Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hospital Public hearing orientation program

Dear Friends
Today morning ,we have organised  an orientation program for hospital public hearing.We distributed 60 letters to political parties,Govt. offices and other health related stakeholders.But,no Govt.official was present and very few political person came.Even though we have manage to call 35 people but our aim of meeting is not fulfilled due to ignorance of political and Govt officials.Now,we are more encouraged to go further and a head.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

orientation program

 orientation program and pre-public hearing program is going
 to organize in KSSC hall on 24th November about Taulihawa Hospital..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fogging work in Taulihawa

Dear All,
Be informed that fogging work for Dengue and mosquito control in Kapilvastu Municipality will be on 6 am tomorrow (Wednesday).Please do not leave ur food and water open.and also keep children and old age and patients some how away from the fogging place.It is our long hard work which comes true.We want to say thank to Municipal officer and also to District Health officer (Even they have delayed a lot).

Signature Campaign

Dear Taulihawawasi,
We are doing signature campaign for hospital movement.It was very slow but from today we are giving proper time to complete this task.Please help us.We are moving around school,college and offices.We are having a interaction program with govt. official on 24 Nov and so all these data.
It is all for you people.